RC Promotion Structure

RC Promotion Structure

JSP has established the Environment and Safety Meeting, chaired by the president, as the highest decision-making body regarding RC activities. In addition to discussing and deciding on comprehensive policies related to RC activities, this committee establishes activity targets based on the results of RC audits, formulates medium- to long-term plans, and establishes, revises, or abolishes various internal regulations.

The JSP Group in Japan also holds “RC Meeting” to deepen the information exchange on RC activities.

In order to effectively promote RC activities, JSP is promoting the revitalization of RC activities throughout the Company by implementing the "Environment and Safety Promotion Committee" and "Environment and Safety Status Assessment" for JSP Group in Japan.

RC Audit

In order to evaluate whether PDCA cycles are being adequately implemented at each workplace based on uniform criteria, the person in charge of environment and safety and members of the responsible department visit each workplace once a year to conduct RC audits.

In FY2023, on-site audits were conducted at 13 workplaces including NBD Center and Research & Development Division. Based on a "checklist" of activities at each workplace, we checked management documents and the status of compliance with laws and regulations, conducted on-site inspections and interviewed each workplace regarding pending issues and priority challenges.
