Disclosure Policy

1. Objectives and Basic Policy of IR (Investor Relations) activities

We conduct IR, activities in order to provide our shareholders and investors with fair and timely information about our company. We aim to achieve transparent management and to build a medium- to long-term relationship of trust with our shareholders and investors by accurately communicating our business performance, financial information, management strategies and information related to our business activities.

2. Details of Information Disclosure

In addition to the regular release of legally disclosed information such as financial statements including quarterly financial statements, we will also promptly release "other material facts" that should be disclosed as appropriate based on predetermined procedures.

3. Method of Information Disclosure

We will strive for fairness in disclosing information by registering it on TDnet, Timely Disclosure network: Timely Disclosure System, and posting it on this IR website.

4. Forward-looking Statements

The information contained in this IR site may contain "forward-looking statements". Other than historical facts, plans, policies, future projections, etc. are based on information, assumptions, and judgments currently available to the management of the Company and are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, actual results may vary in the future, and the Company assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from the use of the information on this IR site.

5. Setting the IR self-restraint period

In order to prevent information that could affect the stock price from leaking out while we are preparing materials for the announcement of financial results, we will refrain from IR activities from the day after the settlement date to the day of the announcement of financial results as a "silent period". We ask for your understanding that we will refrain from answering any questions regarding our financial results during this period. However, even during this period of self-restraint, we will disclose information in a timely manner if it is expected to deviate significantly from previously announced earnings forecast.

6. Disclaimer

This IR site may not contain all of the information disclosed by the Company or may be presented in a manner different from that of information disclosed by other means. In addition, please be aware that the contents of this website subject to be changed or abolished without prior notice.
The information contained in this IR site is intended to provide an understanding of the Company’s financial and management information and is not intended as a solicitation for investment. Investors are advised to use their own judgment when making actual investments. Neither the Company nor the information provider shall be liable for any damages incurred based on the information posted on this IR site.